Last month Annabell Thomas, our South Wales Sales Consultant hosted a product workshop at The BSC in Barry with Paul King, Sales & Marketing Director for the Osprey Group. The workshop was arranged especially for the occupational therapists, care home managers and loan store managers based in Vale of Glamorgan & Cardiff
During the workshop Paul & Annabell demonstrated a range of Osprey products:
- The Osprey range of slings, including the new toileting sling
- The patient into bed system
- The range of Osprey shower chairs and cradles
- The Hydrotilt Mark 3
The attendees were able to try the various products and discuss with Paul and Annabell the benefits of the various items.
The workshop was hugely successful in educating the OTs and we are hoping to hold more demonstration days in the future.
Premiere Healthcare pride themselves on offering FREE workshops of this kind, as part of their on-going commitment to education and training. If you would like to discuss training requirements amongst your team, a member of our Sales Team would be delighted to talk you through how we can help. Please call our Customer Champions in the office on 01684 297818.