A change in circumstance is the most common reason someone might need a new specialist seating assessment, but it’s not the only reason, as we will discover in this blog…
When it comes to specialist seating, having the right support is crucial for comfort, health, and overall well-being. A specialist seating assessment is one way to ensure that you have the correct medical equipment for your needs. However, it is not uncommon for those needs to change over time, at which point it may be time to reassess whether your specialist equipment is still fit for purpose.
Why you might need a new specialist seating assessment
Whether you’re living with a disability, recovering from an injury, or experiencing changes in your mobility, regular assessments are essential to ensure your medical chair meets your evolving needs. Here are five signs that indicate it might be time for a new specialist seating assessment:
Changes in Mobility or Health Condition
As our bodies and conditions change over time, so do our seating requirements. If you’ve experienced changes in your mobility or health, such as poor posture, increased pain, stiffness, or reduced muscle strength, it’s essential to reassess your seating needs. A new specialist seating assessment can help determine if adjustments or a different type of seating would better support your current condition and enhance your comfort and mobility. For example, if your health has deteriorated, you might choose to upgrade your manually-operated Tilt-in-Space chair to an electric version, as found on the Cura Contour Chair.
A Sudden Illness or Injury
Sometimes the unexpected happens which can cause a big upheaval to your circumstances. For example, if someone has a stroke, a brain injury or a fall and are suddenly immobilised, they will need urgent support. A seating specialist will make sure you have the right medical equipment ready and waiting at home. This can help to facilitate a faster discharge from hospital, which is often a huge relief for family as well as the patient. A new specialist seating assessment will help to identify the type of equipment someone will need following a sudden diagnosis. For a private patient, this will also help the family to feel confident in the support they can offer their loved one at home.
Worsening Discomfort or Pressure Sores
Discomfort and pressure sores are common issues for individuals who spend extended periods sitting in one position. If a client is experiencing an increase in discomfort, pain, or the development of pressure sores, it could indicate that their current seating no longer provides adequate support or pressure relief. A new assessment can identify the underlying causes of discomfort and recommend seating solutions tailored to alleviate pressure and promote better posture and circulation. Specialist seating assessors will also identify chairs that might remedy these issues, such as The Silvalea Air Comfort Deluxe v2, which has a unique air comfort system designed to redistribute seating pressure.
Lifestyle Changes or Activities
Changes in lifestyle or activities may also warrant a reassessment of someone’s seating needs. That might be because they’ve started a new hobby, returned to school or work, or begun participating in different recreational activities. A specialist assessment can help identify suitable seating options to accommodate these changes.
Equipment Wear and Tear
Over time, wear and tear can affect the performance and comfort of specialist medical equipment. Signs of deterioration might include sagging cushions, damaged upholstery, or malfunctioning mechanisms. To keep the equipment in optimum condition, it’s essential to have it assessed by an expert. At Premiere Healthcare, we’ve been servicing specialist seating for hospitals, care homes, hospices and private homes for over 15 years. We offer servicing assessments where we evaluate the condition of the equipment and recommend repairs, replacements, or upgrades to ensure the seating remains safe, functional, and comfortable.
Outgrown or Inadequate Seating
As children grow or individuals change in shape and size, their seating requirements may change. Some chairs can grow with the patient and come with adjustable seating options, such as the CareFlex SmartSeat Pro II. However, not all specialist seating is so versatile. If a client’s existing seating no longer provides adequate support or postural alignment, a new specialist seating assessment is necessary. Specialist seating assessors will be able to recommend suitable chairs that work with the person’s body dimensions and posture to provide the support needed for optimal positioning and comfort.
Is it time for a new seating assessment?
If you have had a sudden illness or injury, or are experiencing increased discomfort and pain in your current circumstances, it might be time for a new specialist seating assessment. Specialist seating assessors will help to identify the right equipment for your needs to make sure you remain comfortable and supported during your recovery. And if you haven’t had a seating assessment in a while, now could be a good time to book an appointment. That way you can learn about the latest seating models on the market which incorporate advanced technologies and designs.
At Premiere Healthcare we offer free specialist seating assessments. Get in touch with one of our trained specialist seating assessors to discuss your requirements.